HomeBusinessPotentialife India's Cyrille Kozyreff Founds A New Firm, Humanistic

Potentialife India’s Cyrille Kozyreff Founds A New Firm, Humanistic

Cyrille Kozyreff, who had brought Potentialife and its powerful method of positive transformation of leaders and organisations to India as its exclusive distributor, has launched a new firm by the name of Humanistic. With an ambition to become the trusted positive transformation firm, Humanistic’s offerings have been created specifically keeping the Indian organisations and their needs in mind.

Cyrille shared that Humanistic’s vision is to become the most trusted positive transformation firm

According to International Market Analysis Research and Consulting Group (IMARC Group), the India soft skills training market market size reached USD 581.2 Million in 2022 and will reach USD 1,184.6 Million by 2028, exhibiting a growth rate of 11.9%. Of this, leadership development accounts for 30%. Personal development and teamwork account for another 10% each.

Humanistic covers most of that spectrum, with solutions that include leadership development, culture transformation, and individual growth programmes. The firm aims to deliver inner transformation at scale leading to organisational transformation.

Speaking about the new firm, Kozyreff said, “In 2016, it was my honour and privilege to bring the positive psychology based Potentialife method to India. Seven years on, there is a sea change in Indian organisations and the way they want to build and nourish their culture. We believe our years of serving the Indian market gives us the right perspective for developing this range of solutions.”

Humanistic will continue to build on the Potentialife methodology and online platform that was grounded in 40 years of research on the highest human and organizational potential. The method was created by Harvard University’s Tal Ben-Shahar and McKinsey’s Angus Ridgway.

More details about Humanistic can be found at www.humanistic.net.

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स्मार्ट हलचल न्यूज़ पेपर 31 जनवरी 2025, Smart Halchal News Paper 31 January 2025
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